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What Are Some Common Same-day Jobs?

There are plenty of reasons to look for same-day work. You may be between jobs and need some extra money to make it to your first pay-day. You may be working to pay off a debt or make a large purchase. You may simply have the time and energy to take on an extra side-hustle. No matter the reason, you may have some common questions about how and where to find same-day work or even how to file this work on your taxes. We will answer these questions and more!

What is a same-day job?

Just like it sounds, a same-day job is one that you are hired for and complete within the same day. Some places change this definition slightly by offering same-day hiring for a longer-term position, but for the purposes of this article, a same-day job will be one that you start and finish all in the same day.

What are some common same-day jobs?

Same-day jobs range anywhere from babysitting to construction. There are plenty of jobs out there that can be offered as a same-day job and fit your skillset. Some common ones you are likely to find in your search are:

  • Construction
  • Landscaping and Yard Work
  • Catering
  • Baby or Pet Sitting
  • Deliveries (Fast food, packages, groceries, etc.)
  • Special Event Staff
  • Warehousing
  • Cleaning/Janitorial
  • Tutoring
  • Mover
  • Car Washer
  • Driver

Where do I find same-day jobs?

With the internet, it is easier than ever to find work of almost any kind in your area. One of the simplest ways to find same-day work is to simply Google “same-day jobs near me.” This will get you started with job boards that can point you towards those one-day jobs.

Another option is to reach out to your local recruiter. When you do (if you are only looking for same-day work) be sure to let them know your skills and your desire for same-day only positions. They may not have anything available right away but can always be on the lookout for you when something comes along. One thing to keep in mind is that not all recruiters will have same-day jobs available. This is due to many factors but if a recruiter tells you they don’t deal in same-day work you can try to find one that specializes in this type of hiring. There are a number of these types of companies across the country and they may be your best resource for finding same-day same-pay options (being paid the same day you complete the work). One thing to note with these companies is that the work opportunities are normally on a first-come, first-served basis, so you will have to be diligent about arriving early and ready to work.

One final option is gig-apps. Your phone is another great resource for finding same-day work in your area. These same-day job apps are also wonderful because they often allow you to work on your own schedule. Uber, Lyft, Grubhub, Fiverr, Gig Walk, Shipt and Instacart are all names you are likely familiar with because the jobs they offer are sweeping the nation. These apps offer work opportunities in your area, in real-time. You can normally be paid the same day via Paypal or Venmo and you can easily accept and track your job tasks through your phone. It is a great option to give you more control over the work you are doing.

How am I paid for same-day work?

Pay for same-day jobs can be tricky. Some companies will pay you on the spot. This can be in cash or through a mobile payment method like Paypal or Venmo. On the other hand, some may pay weekly or after you hit a certain dollar amount. This is especially true for side-gig apps. They may require you to work and earn $20.00 before you can request a payout or they may only pay once a month on a certain day. 

The ideal that many look for is “same-day, same pay” jobs. These jobs are where you get paid the same day you work. If a job is going to pay you this way, it will often have this fact upfront and center so applicants know. These ads may use the “same-day, same pay” line, or they may say “paid the same day job,” “same day pay,” or even “same day work and pay.” All of these are the same lingo for jobs that pay the same day you work.

No matter what, be sure to ask the company or person you are working for how you will be paid. This is not only for your knowledge but so you can be prepared. If a company will pays via Paypal, then you know you need to set one up if you haven’t already. In other cases, you may need to visit an office to pick up your check. Ask ahead of time where this office is, what documents you may need to bring to claim your check, and what time the checks are cut. Knowing all this information ahead of time will make it so you can get your money in the fast and easiest way possible.

Finally, you could be paid in cash or sometimes referred to as “under the table.” This is most often the case when working commission-based jobs that are put out by individuals. Say, for example, someone will pay you to remove yard debris and take it to the dump, they will likely pay you in cash since this is a one-time job and they are not an official employer. These are also often same-day, same-pay jobs, but they can be infrequent since they are coming from individuals rather than companies.

No matter how you are paid, it is important that you keep track of your income and ask for proper documentation for your taxes. This could be 1099 or W2 forms or simply a check stub showing your name and the companies name. Keeping track of this income is important so you don’t have any issues with your taxes later. Likewise, make sure the same-day job you are accepting is trustworthy, safe and legal. Unfortunately, job scammers have been known to take advantage of people searching for same-day jobs.

How to get a same-day job

Even though the work is for a short period, same-day work is still a job, and like any job, you have to be qualified to be hired. Sometimes this means having a resume ready with your qualifications. Other times it will mean simply being ready to verbally say you are capable of doing job. If you are asked to describe your qualifications, be ready with specific examples of your work and industry lingo. These will show potential employers you know what the job entails. 

You may also be asked to provide a reference who can speak to your experience. This isn’t always the case but always have a few people in mind that you can contact who can speak to your skills. This may be an old boss or coworker. It can also be past clients you have worked for who can attest to your work. 

Some other things to keep in mind when showing up for same-day jobs is to dress the part. You are expected to be ready to work, so you should show up with the proper clothing or gear to begin working. You should also arrive with any tools you may need as they may not be provided. If you are ready to start working immediately, your potential employer is more likely to send you to work.

How are same-day jobs taxed?

You may be wondering how same-day jobs work on your taxes — this is where things can get tricky. Same-day work can fall under employee or self-employment depending on the situation. For each same-day job you complete, you will need to determine if you were employed by someone or just simply worked for them. If you are employed by someone, meaning you were considered their employee and they dictated what you did and when, then you will likely be taxed on that income as an employee. If you worked for someone like a commission — on your own time and (mostly) schedule — then you were likely self-employed, which means that income would be taxed like a small business. Again, these lines can blur, so if you are not entirely sure, it is best to contact a tax accountant. 

Once you determine your work status, you would need to claim each same-day job on your taxes. This is especially tedious if you had many different jobs during the year, but it must be done this way for you to be filing legally. If you worked the same job but just different days, then you will likely claim that income altogether. For example, if you worked for Uber over the year but did so randomly and only a day at a time, you would still file anything you earned through Uber as one job.

It is especially important to note that even if you worked for one day on a job, you still need to claim this job on your taxes. Even if it was just one day, you still received income, which means it must be claimed on your taxes — if you don’t report it, you could be audited and found fraudulent.

Some things to keep in mind:

The money may be nice and the brief change of pace can be exciting, but when it comes to same-day work there are a few things you will want to keep in mind:

You don’t have the same protections – Since you are not employed in-full by the hiring company, you don’t have the same protections as their other employees when it comes to things like worker’s compensation or being terminated. 

The income is inconsistent – You may be able to do same-day work for several days in a row (whether for the same company or varying ones), but at some point, it is inevitable, the work will dry up. This could be brief or for an extended period, it’s very uncertain, so don’t bet your monthly bills on this type of work.

You need to be careful of scams – These types of jobs will sometimes sound too good to be true. “Make $300 in one day” or “Earn a week’s worth in a day.” If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and you could find yourself working for nothing or getting the runaround on being paid.

Layout the contract beforehand – Negotiate your pay BEFORE you begin your work. Are you paid by the hour, or how many tasks you complete? What is the pay rate, and does it change for any reason? Don’t be swindled at the end of your shift, layout the payment terms first and get them in writing if possible.

It’s a great way to try something new – Same-day work isn’t all doom and gloom. It can be a great way to try something new. It could be a career you have been thinking of moving into or simply a change in pace on your day-to-day.

It can help you get your foot in the door – Similar to the last point, a same-day job could be a great way to get your foot in the door with a company or job you have been dreaming of. It can show a potential employer your skills and passion for the career.

The money could be good – Finally, the money you make can be decent. Sure, it’s probably not a week’s income in one day, but it may still be higher than what you would make at a normal day job. This is great, but you have to keep in mind the work likely isn’t steady, so try to reserve these great paying opportunities for extra income — not your main source of income.