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How Do I Find a Job Fast?

How Do I Find a Job Fast?

Sometimes you need a new job fast. There are plenty of situations that would have you running around looking for a new job – NOW! Whether you need a side-gig to bring in extra cash, were let go from your last job, or are on the verge of quitting your current job, we understand your desire (and probably panic) to find another job quickly.

Today, we will go over some ways to find your next job fast. To do this, we are going to break down the search by some different scenarios you may be in that require you to look for another job quickly. Many methods of finding a job will overlap, but each situation can help give you a more focused plan of attack when it comes to finding a job quickly.

How to get a job fast with no experience

If you are fresh out of high school, college or just simply have no experience for the job you want, your job search may be tough, but it’s not impossible. There are a couple of different ways to find a job fast despite not having the experience needed.  You can utilize your network of friends and family as extra eyes and ears on the market. You can also apply for entry-level positions and explain your lack of experience in the interview.  Since it is entry-level you can explain that you have the passion to learn the job from the ground, up. Also, you can easily translate your life skills into possible work skills and present these to employers and a local staffing agency that can help you find the perfect position.

Tap into your social networks 

Make a post, a Tweet, a Snap, and let your friends and family know you are on the hunt for a job. By doing this, you have just multiplied the eyes and ears you have available to look for a job. You may even be offered a job by those very same people since they know and trust you. One thing to keep in mind here is to be specific about what you are looking for or need. If you can only work night-shifts because of daytime classes or you want to work with vehicles, let them know. 

Explain yourself

Don’t be afraid to let potential employers know that while you may not have the experience on paper, you have the passion and work ethic to be a great fit. Being honest about your lack of experience but discuss how much you want the job. This lets employers see that you are serious about the job.

Talk with your local staffing agencies

If you’re having a hard time finding a business that is willing to take a chance on someone new to the job scene, it may be time to talk with a staffing agency (which is also called an employment agency, temp agency, or temping agency). A staffing agency has connections with many local businesses. A good staffing agency will listen to your career desires, your skillset and your interests and place you in a job that’s right for you. Staffing agencies are great places for people without experience to start because they will work with your unique circumstances to help find you a job.

Look for an entry-level job

Jobs that say “entry-level” mean you don’t have to have the experience to be able to work in them. Look for jobs posted in your area that use words like “entry-level” and “no experience.” If you don’t have the experience, these jobs are willing to hire people who will need to be trained and are a great place for you to start. 

Translate the experience you do have

So you may not have the “3+ years of prior work experience” a job ad says you need, but you still have life experience that counts for something. If you are a parent, you have had to practice patience, multitasking and problem-solving. If you volunteer to take care of the lawn at your church, you are familiar with manual and outdoor labor. You even have translatable skills if you are a student, like time-management and organization. Your life skills can be directly translated into skills you list on your resume. Think about what jobs you have in your daily life and google those tasks as “parenting resume skills” or “volunteer resume skills.” This should give you some great ideas of words and phrases you can use on your resume based on your life skills.

How to find a part-time job fast

Maybe you need to make some extra cash for the holidays or maybe you are looking to gain experience in a whole new field. You may be a stay-at-home parent and a part-time job is the only thing that will work for you. Maybe you just have extra time on your hands and figure, “Why not?” Looking for jobs around the holidays or at a job fair can help you find these types of jobs quick.  You can also always visit a local recruiter who has their finger on the pulse of the local job market. No matter what the reason is for looking for a part-time job, we are here to help you find one as quickly as possible.

Timing can help

Part-time jobs are always in abundance during certain times of the year for various industries. For example, stores and retail businesses need extra help around the holidays, pool cleaning services need assistance during the summer, and gyms need additional hands around the beginning of the year. You can find a part-time job at any time of year, but to find jobs with businesses that are hiring the fastest, you may have to think about what companies are in the greatest time of need of help when you are ready to start working.

Look for Immediate Hiring Events

Part-time positions can be very easy to come by if you can find job fairs or open interview opportunities in your area. These are places where you can expect to be hired on the spot or within a week. Job fairs are a great option because there are often several employers in need of workers and they are all in one place. You can also try to find open-interview opportunities that are looking to hire people as quickly as possible. These are most often found in the fast-food and retail industry.

Staffing Agencies & Local Recruiters

Another option to help you find a part-time position quickly is to visit your local staffing agency. These companies are most in-the-know about what jobs are available in your area. They can also match your need for part-time with available jobs. For example, you can let them know your part-time work needs to be after 2 P.M. but finished by 9 P.M. and a recruiter can show you jobs that fit this need. This can help you from spinning your wheels trying to find jobs that fit this need on your own. Also, if you only need your part-time job for a little while, say for extra holiday cash or to pay off a debt you owe, then a recruiter can also find you an assignment that will cover that necessary amount of time.

Find a job fast while working

It’s always nice to have no gaps in employment. After all, it makes it much easier on your bank account. Finding a new job while working in your old one can help ease the transition period, especially financially.  Some things to keep in mind when searching for a job while employed are defining your goals for the new job, updating your resume and setting up job alerts.

Figure out your focus

Since you have a job, you also have a bit more time to find your new job. You still want a new job fast, but you don’t need it at light-speed since you can still pay the bills. That being said, before you start your job hunt take a moment to focus on what, exactly, you want from your next job. Is it pay, is it work-life balance, is it a particular industry? Answer these questions of what you want to do, for how much, where and when, so you can chase those jobs that fit these wants.

Update Everything!

Again, since you have a bit more time when looking for this new job, take another moment to update everything. This means update your resume, your cover letter and your interview outfit. Make sure everything is relevant and ready so if you get called in for an interview tomorrow, you are ready to go. Some other items you may want to update that don’t immediately come to mind are your driver’s license (in case you are looking for a job with a driving requirement), any certifications (so you are licensed to work in any specialized fields), and your contact information (make sure you have a phone number and email address you can easily access and check regularly).

Set up Alerts

There are so many websites and apps out there now that can help you find your perfect job while you sleep. Be sure to take some time to set up alerts with these sites so they can let you know right when a job that fits your skills or desires hits the job board.

Don’t Settle

Again, since you are currently employed, you can ask yourself if a new job opportunity is really what you want. If the pay is lower but it’s a job in your desired field, then you have to decide if it’s a good time to job hop. If it has less pay and is what you are doing now BUT has more growth opportunities, again, only you can decide if this is the right time to change jobs. The biggest thing to keep in mind is don’t settle for the first job offer that comes along. You still have a paycheck to support you so you have time to wait for the right opportunity.

Find a new job fast

Now say you do need a job F.A.S.T. because you are out of your old job. You need to make finding a job your new job.  This means tailoring your resume to each job you apply for, attending as many job fairs as possible, linking up with your local recruiter and making a ton of Google searches.  Desperate times call for desperate measures, so let’s go over these in-depth now.

Make a job out of finding a new job

Since you are out of work you have plenty of time on your hands for the job hunt. Treat the job hunt as if it were a full-time job. If you commit all or most of your time into sending resumes, preparing for interviews and going door-to-door, you are more likely to have a job offer sooner. It’s been said that for every qualified application you submit, you are likely to get one interview offer so make sure you are finding and putting in for the jobs that fit your skills.

Tailor your Resume

If you are truly desperate to find a job it would benefit you to tailor your resume to each job you put in for. This means making sure the skills they are looking for are front and center and that you mimic the works they use. You may be a Team Player (and say so on your resume) but they are looking for a Collaborator. Change and move around the wording of your resume and cover letter so that you can be the candidate they have dreamed of.

Staffing Agencies & Local Recruiters

We are revisiting this one (again) because it’s just an obvious solution here. If you need a job right now, they are the most likely person in town to have a stack of jobs available. This is especially useful if you are to the point where you just need a paycheck and can work on the dream job later. It’s not ideal in every sense but it can solve your issue of not having a job. You never know though, this option may lead you into that perfect opportunity you have been looking for.

Job Fairs, Hiring Events and Help Wanted Ads

Again, this goes along with the idea that there is a concentration of jobs that you should pursue. One other great part of this option is that many times, these companies are in desperate need of employees because they are about to enter a busy season or short-staffed. They are just as desperate for the help as you are to find a job so it seems like a win-win for you both.

Keep the Faith

Job hunting is tough, especially when you are in desperate need of a job. Some days you will wake up feeling totally defeated, especially if the job you really wanted doesn’t call you back. Keep your chin up and keep trying – it’s the only way to come out of this and you will.

Spell it Out

Google is your friend when it comes to finding a job because it can not only let you know what is available but help you find out about jobs that are immediately available. You can begin by searching “fast hiring jobs in my area” or “find jobs fast in my area” and you should get a page of results showing you those jobs with that exact need – to hire people fast. You can also get a bit more specific such as “good paying job fast near me” or “find part time job fast with benefits.” These specific searches can help you find jobs that are not only hiring quickly but also fit a particular need you may have like pay or medical benefits.