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Get Your Refund, Live Your #Bestlife!

You finally got your tax refund and #LifeIsGood, but tax checks can be tempting.

While your refund check could easily buy you a new TV or revamped wardrobe, will those help you live your best life in the long run?

Make that fat check work for your long game by putting it towards the things that will truly help you succeed. We have put together a few suggestions on how to manage your refund check wisely. 

Make a Budget:

Whether you decide to spend your refund on other items on this list or just usual bills and personal purchases, it’s still great to start with a budget. This will help you know exactly how far your refund can go. By figuring out how much each item you are going to use the refund on costs ahead of time, you can see exactly how far the money will take you.

Pay Bills:

Yeah, we know this one is so “mom” of us, but wouldn’t it be nice to not have to even think about a power bill or rent payment for a couple of months? By paying your bills ahead of time you can cut some stress out of your life and use some other tips on this list.

Pay Debts:

If you have a lingering medical bill, payday loans or are close to paying off your car, why not get it out of the way? Not only is this a great way to stop those annoying bill collector calls, but it can boost your credit score and save you money. Think of it this way: When you borrow money for a payday loan, car or use a credit card, you have to pay back the amount you borrowed plus interest. The longer it takes you to pay back, the more interest you have to pay. By paying the money back early, you don’t have to pay nearly as much interest – #winning!

Get Certified:

Have you been wanting to go back to school? Do you only need a few credits to finish? Ever wanted to learn how to weld, coding or learn another language? As the old saying goes “Expand your mind, expand your wealth.” Use your refund check to further your education. If you need to finish your GED or want to start college, this is the perfect time. You could also get certifications and degrees to earn a promotion or land your dream job. Many jobs that pay well (HVAC repair, forklift operation, electrician, etc.) only require a few months of training. You could even take some personal classes to help you expand your interests (think cooking classes or tap dancing).

Set Up An Emergency Fund:

Locking your money up in a bank doesn’t sound like fun at all. We get it. But what is even less fun is being short on cash later when you really need it like when the car breaks down or you get laid off. If you don’t have anything the money has to cover right now, then saving it instead can come in handy when something does come up. If we know anything in this world to be true, it’s that something always comes up.

Upcoming Birthdays and Holidays:

There is no need to deny that we all wait until the very last minute to buy presents no matter what the occasion is, and guess what? Doing that costs SO much more money. Buying candy around Easter is always more expensive than any other time. Or buying the first overpriced candle since you forgot it was your mom’s birthday (#fail) rather than planning for something that she’ll love. Using your refund to grab gifts ahead of time lets you shop for the best deal.

Start a Side Hustle:

Have you had dreams of starting a side hustle? Why not use your refund to help generate multiple lines of income. You can use all or part of your refund to start the business you have been dreaming of.

Take a Vacation:

You worked hard all year long for this money so why not use it to reward yourself by traveling? A vacation lets you see the world, try new foods and, best of all, will make all your co-workers jealous. Just be sure to plan ahead when asking off of work as many companies require a few weeks heads-up. Dedicating part of your refund to traveling can help you fill that #WanderLust you have always had. Go see something new and expand your horizons.

Now you’re ready to make the most of your money! You know your money and needs best so be sure to carefully consider which of these options (or any combination of them) will be best for your #longgame.

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