Ōnin Teammate Blog

Wanting a better life isn’t selfish or ungrateful

Written by Danny | Nov 9, 2022 7:04:51 AM

Some people seem to think that if you want a better life, you must be selfish– that you think you’re better than where you come from. This is not the case.

This view doesn’t necessarily come from a bad place. It is possible that the people who say this tried themselves and failed, and they want to protect you from the pain of disappointment. They might feel that if you succeed, you may forget them or that they will lose you. Or, it’s possible that they themselves gave up long ago, and if you succeed that means that their giving up might have been a mistake. To make things even more difficult, these reasons might be affecting their behavior unconsciously. They might not even realize their true motivations and might just be operating out of a worldview that “this is just the way it is; you are who you are.”

That said, even if their naysaying isn’t malicious– heck, even if it’s coming from a place of concern– that doesn’t mean you should let it hold you back. By improving your circumstances, not only will you be in a place to better provide for yourself, you can ultimately get to a place where you can help those you care about, as well.

You can be happy and content without being selfish. It’s okay to want more out of life than what you have. In fact, it’s encouraged! If you’re not content with your life, YOU have the power to change it. Here’s why wanting a better life isn’t selfish or ungrateful.

1. You shouldn’t settle for not being content with your life

It’s natural to want more out of life than what you have. Everyone has a basic need for growth and expansion, and it’s normal to want to improve your circumstances. You’re not being selfish or ungrateful when you aspire to do better. In fact, wanting more out of life is a sign of strength and ambition.

2. You can provide for yourself and others

When you want a better life for yourself, you’re not just thinking about your own happiness. You’re also thinking about the people you love and how you can help them.

A better life means more opportunities to provide for yourself and others. When you have more, you can give more. And that’s what being unselfish is all about- making the world a better place, not just for yourself, but for everyone around you.

3. You can help those you care about

When other people see that your ambition and drive are helping you achieve great things, they’ll be inspired to do the same for themselves. Your success will be their motivation! And that’s really what being unselfish is all about- inspiring others to reach their full potential.

4. You’re no less deserving of a good life than anyone else

You’re no less deserving of a good life than anyone else. Everyone has a basic need for growth and expansion, and it’s normal to want to improve your circumstances. You shouldn’t settle for not being content with your life.

5. You can succeed and still stay true to your roots

Many people think that in order to achieve success, they have to abandon their roots and the things that make them who they are. But you can succeed and still stay true to your roots. In fact, it’s essential that you do! When you’re able to balance your new successes with the things that make you who you are, you create a strong foundation for continued growth.

Your roots give you a sense of identity and grounding. They remind you of where you come from and what’s important to you. When you lose sight of your roots, you lose touch with yourself. So don’t be afraid to embrace both your success and your heritage- they go hand in hand!

6. Others have done it, and they aren’t bad people

Lots of people have moved away from their hometowns in search of a better life. They aren’t bad people, and they aren’t selfish. They just want what’s best for themselves and their families and they’re willing to work hard to get it. You should look at those people as examples to follow, not as people to judge.

7. If you’ve built a better life, you’ve earned it.

When you’ve put in the hard work to build a better life for yourself, you’ve earned it. You deserve to be happy and content with your accomplishments. You’ve worked hard and sacrificed a lot, and you should be proud of what you’ve achieved. A better life isn’t something to be ashamed of- it’s something to be celebrated!
And when you do, you can start thinking about how best to help those you care about. Just make sure you do it in a way that is sustainable and won’t lead you to lose the ground you’ve gained