Ōnin Teammate Blog

How to Survive When You Can Barely Afford to Live

Written by Danny | Jan 24, 2023 7:00:20 AM

Being broke is never easy, especially when you’re just starting out. It can be a real challenge to make ends meet when you don’t have much money coming in. But it’s not impossible to survive and even thrive when you don’t have much money. With the right attitude and strategy, you can make it through until things start looking up. Let’s explore some strategies that can help you survive when you can’t afford to live.


Budgeting Is Key

When your finances are tight, budgeting is key. Make sure you know exactly how much money is coming in and going out each month so that you can keep an eye on your expenses. Create a budget for yourself that includes fixed expenses like rent or utilities as well as variable expenses like groceries or entertainment. Then stick to it as closely as possible; this will help ensure that you don’t overspend and put yourself in further financial trouble.


Utilize Free Resources

There are plenty of resources available for those who need a little extra help making ends meet. Look for free resources like food banks, legal aid services, or community centers where you can get access to essential items such as food, clothing, and basic necessities at no cost. Additionally, there may be local organizations offering job training programs or other educational opportunities that could help improve your financial situation in the long run.


Make Your Money Go Further 

Sometimes, the key to getting through tough times is learning how to stretch your money further. Consider cutting out luxury items such as cable TV or subscription services until you can get back on your feet financially. Look for free activities in your area such as parks or hikes that won’t cost you anything besides time and transportation costs. If you need groceries, shop around for deals or use coupons if available in order to save money where possible. Avoid relying solely on takeout food; try cooking meals at home instead which will cost less in the long run! 


Network with Others

Networking is an important part of any career but it can be especially helpful when times are tough financially. Reach out to family members, friends, and former colleagues who may have connections that could lead to more job opportunities or even internships where you could gain valuable experience while earning some extra income on the side. Don’t be afraid to ask for help—it could make all the difference between struggling and success!


Start Building an Emergency Fund 

No matter how dire your situation may seem right now, it’s never too late to start building an emergency fund for the future. Even if you’re only able to put aside a small amount each month, it will add up over time and give you something to fall back on in case of an emergency or unexpected expense. Aim for building up your emergency fund to $1000 as quickly as you are able (most unexpected emergency needs today cost between $400 and $1000… that emergency fund would keep you from having to steal money from your food or utility budgets. Just be sure to replenish it as soon as possible).


No one said surviving without money would be easy—but with the right tools and mindset, it doesn’t have to be impossible either! Budgeting is key if you want to stay on top of your expenses while utilizing free resources whenever possible can help stretch your limited funds even further. Finally, don’t forget about networking; having a strong network of people who have your back can make all the difference during tough times! With these tips in mind, anyone facing financial hardship should feel empowered to take charge of their situation and forge ahead toward a brighter future!