Ōnin Teammate Blog

Essential Digital Skills for Modern Industrial Workplaces

Written by Onin Staffing | May 13, 2024 11:30:00 AM

A recent surge of technology has transformed production-level jobs. Workers now need a blend of traditional skills and digital literacy to excel. Here’s a breakdown of the essential digital skills for production-level positions and practical ways to acquire them.

Key Digital Skills in Production-Level Work

1. Basic Computer Literacy:

Being comfortable with basic computer functions is crucial. This includes understanding how to operate a computer, manage files, and use common software like word processors and spreadsheets.

2. Operating Digital Machinery:

Many modern manufacturing jobs require the operation of digitally-controlled machinery. Familiarity with CNC (Computer Numeric Control) machines, for example, is highly valuable.

3. Inventory Management Systems:

Understanding how to use digital systems for tracking resources and managing stock is essential in a warehouse setting. Skills in software like SAP or Oracle can significantly enhance your efficiency.

4. Quality Control Software:

Knowledge of software that monitors the quality of products throughout the manufacturing process is increasingly important. This helps ensure that the output meets the required standards.

5. Communication Tools:

Proficiency in digital communication tools like email, workplace messaging apps, and basic data entry is essential for timely and effective communication on the production floor.

How to Acquire These Skills

Take Advantage of On-the-Job Training:

Many employers offer training sessions on the specific systems and tools used in their operations. Engage fully in these opportunities to boost both your confidence and your resume.

Enroll in Community College Courses:

Community colleges often offer courses on computer basics, machine operation, and other technical skills at a low cost. These courses are designed to be practical and job-oriented.

Utilize Online Resources:

Platforms like Khan Academy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer free or low-cost courses on everything from basic computer skills to more advanced software specific to industrial applications.

Ask for Cross-Training:

If your job allows, request cross-training in different departments. This not only enhances your skill set but also increases your value within the company.

Join Workshops and Seminars:

Keep an eye out for relevant workshops and seminars that focus on the latest industrial technologies. These can be great places to learn new skills and network with others in your field.

Adapting to the digital demands of today’s industrial jobs doesn’t just increase your productivity—it also broadens your career opportunities and job security. Start small, be consistent, and continually seek to add new skills. With the right approach, you can turn these challenges into stepping stones for your career growth. Remember, in today’s job market, every digital skill you acquire is an investment in your future.