Ōnin Teammate Blog

5 Frugal Ways To Have More Fun This Summer

Written by Danny | Jun 2, 2022 8:00:24 AM


1. Plan Ahead And Make A Budget For The Summer

Summer is the perfect time to let loose and have some fun! However, if you’re on a tight budget, it can be difficult to enjoy all the activities that come with warmer weather. Here are five frugal ways to have more fun this summer:

#1. Plan ahead and make a budget for the summer. This will help you save up for activities that you really want to do, and it will also prevent you from overspending on spur-of-the-moment purchases.

#2. Get creative with your entertainment. There are plenty of free or cheap activities that you can enjoy, such as picnicking in the park, going for hikes, local music festivals, or visiting local museums.

#3. Take advantage of deals and discounts. Many businesses offer discounts during the summer months, so be sure to check for deals before you make any plans.

#4. Make use of symbols of summertime. You may not have the money to spend on expensive beach vacations this year, but you can take still advantage of sunny days by spending time outdoors in your own backyard, a lake or local park.

#5. Be social and connect with friends. One of the best parts about summer is spending time with friends and loved ones. Take

2. Hit Up Free Events In Your Community

Summertime is the perfect time to get out and explore your community, and there are plenty of free events to enjoy! To find out what’s going on in your area, just check your local newspapers and website listings. You might be surprised at the variety of concerts, festivals, and other events that are happening right in your own backyard. Also, be on the lookout for farmers’ markets, art fairs and festivals, there’s sure to be something for everyone. And best of all, these events are typically low-key and relaxed, so you can easily enjoy them with friends or family.

3. Take Advantage Of Outdoor Activities

Summertime is the perfect opportunity to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Not only is it good for your physical health, but it can also be great for your mental wellbeing. And the best part is that there are plenty of free or low-cost ways to enjoy the outdoors. Here are just a few ideas:

  • Go for a walk or run in your local park.
  • Visit a nearby beach or lake.
  • Go camping in your backyard or at a local campground.
  • Have a picnic in your local park or on a nearby hiking trail.

4. Plan Affordable Day Trips

One frugal way to have more fun this summer is to plan affordable day trips. Map out a 120-mile radius (that’s a 2-hour drive or less!) from your home and look at nearby towns and attractionsthat sound intriguing. Use Google to find free or cheap activities in each location, and look for Groupon deals on food and lodging. Map out a few different options, and then choose the one that looks the most fun. Remember to pack plenty of snacks and drinks for the trip, and don’t forget your camera! With a little planning, you can have a blast this summer without breaking the bank.

5. Have A Staycation

Dreaming of a tropical getaway but don’t have the cash to jet off to Bali? No problemo! Just have a staycation instead. A staycation is when you take a vacation, but…you stay at home. The key is to pretend like you’re somewhere else. Have a plan and make sure to hit all the key elements that make your dream destination special. If it’s the beaches you’re after, find a nearby lake or river and work on your tan. If it’s the city life that has you starry-eyed, visit all the tourist traps in your neck of the woods (we recommend checking out Yelp for ideas). And if it’s the foooood that’s got you drooling, try cooking dishes from different cultures to get a taste of the exotic without even having to leave your kitchen.

6. Get Creative With Your Entertainment Options

Summer is the perfect time to get out and explore your local area. However, sometimes the same old sights can start to feel a little bit boring. If you’re looking for some new entertainment options this summer, get creative and think outside the box. missed opportunities near home. You might be surprised at what you find. For example, instead of going to the movies, why not visit a nearby planetarium or community theater? Or instead of going out to eat at the same 4 restaurants you always visit, get adventurous and try someplace new.

No matter how you choose to spend your summer, we hope that these tips will help you have more fun without breaking the bank. Get out there and enjoy! What are some of your favorite frugal ways to have fun? Let us know in the comments below.